How are varicose veins treated with a laser? The mechanism of action of the laser on dilated veins. For whom the procedure will help and for whom it will be useless. Step-by-step description of the process and patient feedback.
23 June 2022
It is very difficult to follow the beauty of the legs, so what can we say about their health? This article looks at effective methods for treating varicose veins in the legs.
12 December 2021
Varicose veins or varicose veins of the lower limbs are the primary varicose transformation of the superficial veins of the lower limbs, in which "bumps" or "knots" appear on the legs. Consider the main symptoms, 6 stages of development and methods of treating varicose veins.
24 November 2021
Who needs varicose vein prevention and what is its essence? Prophylaxis with drugs, folk remedies and alternative methods. The basics of proper nutrition.
7 November 2020