New methods in the medicine help get rid of the affected vessels of the lower limbs, almost without pain and with little injury. A varicose veins surgery by laser is a great alternative to a surgical treatment. In what case is named endovenous coagulation? The reasons of the operation is not so little, and they do not lend themselves to local or preformed treatment:

- varicose veins, which were struck by the large and important to the lives of the vessels;
- the severity and oedema of the lower limbs, which do not lend themselves to a different method of treatment;
- on the cover skin discovered changes in trophic;
- the lower limbs are covered with ulcers, which don't have a impact drug, with a local impact.
How goes the operation? The ben the teen in the face to the victim of a container makes the cut and introduced a special probe with the laser tip. The laser sticks to the affected area of a vessel, after which the next of the incision and continues to the restoration of the vein. The disease is characterized by lesions of the vessels of the lower limbs to the result of which is an acute disorder of blood circulation. Varicose veins are dangerous in that it creates all the conditions for the development of thrombophlebitis in the system of the inferior vena cava. This kind of complications usually lead to the emergence of the not heal long-term venous ulcers. No less a serious danger to the health of the patient is detached from the vascular wall of a blood clot, which is often the main cause of heart attack, stroke, thromboembolic caudal. Mainly this situation leads the patients to the idea that they need surgery to remove the varicose veins on the legs.
But some patients are unaware of the serious consequences and prefer not to notice the symptoms of the disease. The varicosities of the lower extremities is long and complicated upstream of the pathology, leading to the appearance of the severity and pain in the extremities. Not always the methods of conventional medicine provide the expected result, that is why it is necessary to resort to surgery. Particularly important were the radical measures in the presence of ulcers trophic, which can cause very serious consequences, including the accession of the infection. The removal of varicose veins on the legs is performed only if you have executed the forms of the disease. Indications:

- the expansion of the lumen of the vessels above the norms;
- the formation of blood clots;
- futile treatment of the disease of drugs and folk remedies;
- circulation disorders;
- the pain in the legs and a sensation of fatigue.
The operation still takes place and aesthetic medical, when a woman does not like the look of her legs. The surgical treatment during the expansion of the lumen of the vessels takes place in different ways. The choice of the method depends on the state of the organism, the stage of the disease and other diseases, which can become counter-indications. For example, a product ill-chosen a method of treatment can cause complications dangerous in diabetes, infections, and immune-compromised states.
Sclerotherapy is an introduction to the vessel lumen of the needle, which provides a drug capable of paste the venous wall. This manipulation is performed with the application of a local anesthetic. After the procedure, the vessels sklerosiruta, and during the blood stops. Immediately after the operation, the shows the port of tightening the bandages that help to maintain the result. Phlebectomy, is an operation to remove pathologically changed vessels. To this end, use of a variety of ways:
- Pulling through a small puncture with the application of the hook.
- Deletion of a fragment of the affected area using miniature incisions.
- Combined. Involves a combination of these methods and laser.

Phlebectomy, is an operation to remove pathologically changed vessels. Before the start of the intervention, the doctor performs an ULTRASOUND of the veins. Ultrasound is used to differentiate the affected area and the healthy sites. Laser Photocoagulation (treatment of varicose veins laser) is the most effective method. The procedure is safe and minimally invasive. Through a small incision in the patient the container is introduced thin scriptures, which emits a laser wave of the appropriate frequency. When this occurs the heating in the impact zone. As a result, the walls of the veins are welded to each that never solve the problem. Application of the laser, allowing gives the smallest number of relapses. The operation is performed, even in severe cases, and is the surgical removal of the quality and the number of favorable results.
The hardening
The hardening you can fill the vase of processing a substance that prevents the blood and can reduce the diameter of the region's problems. In this case, use 2 of the drug — sclerosant and the foam. The first drug sticks to the wall of the vein, and the second fills the extent of the area, leading to its obstruction. The two types of medication administered through a small needle. The exact location of the problem can be detected using duplex scanning. The hardening you can fill the vase of processing a substance that prevents the blood and can reduce the diameter of the region's problems.
Stripping is carried out with the aid of the miniature probe, which is inserted through a small incision and glue pathological of the plot of a container, then pulled to the surface and is removed. Another variety of the operation — cryotrapping. During an intervention in a vein injected with liquid nitrogen, which leads to the affected area to breakdown and makes it non-functional. The process takes 40 minutes. It is done under general anesthesia and with the use of local anesthesia.

The preparation for the operation involves the compliance of binding rules, which involve:
- The delivery of the analysis of blood to determine the general state of the organism. The procedure spend fasting a few days before the procedure.
- A chest x-ray. Necessary to exclude tb disease.
- The search for blood of the HIV infection, which can lead to irreversible complications after manipulation.
- The refusal to consume food 6 hours prior to surgery. This rule is to comply with only if the operation will be performed under general anesthesia.
- The enema. Also applies, in case of impossibility of removal of the vein using a local anesthetic.
It must necessarily be before the operation to inform your doctor on the presence of an allergic reaction to a drug of the substance.
How to do the surgery
Depending on the nature of the intervention applies his technique of the operation. During the sclerotherapy consists of the following steps:
- The patient takes necessary for the installation according to the place of location of the farms of the tank.
- The doctor produces a local anesthesia with the help of the introduction of the injection of Novocaïne.
- With the help of a long needle makes a puncture. The syringe is introduced to the desired depth. Then comes the injection of drugs. Immediately after the venous wall are beginning to join. And just where is the area pathological.
- Specialist imposes tight a bandage and send the patient home.

During the sclerotherapy with the help of a long needle is made to puncture, and the drug is injected, adhesive to the walls of the vessels. Phlebectomy involves more invasive surgery. If the volume of pathologically changed the fabric great, apply the technique, meaning 2-3 of the incision. If you have a small piece use a small crochet hook. The operation can be conducted under general and local anesthesia. In the first place the antiseptic treatment of members. After this, the affected area vienna retrieve and delete, if necessary, overlapping the seams. Laser Photocoagulation is also carried out under general or local anesthesia. After the analgesia member deal with an antiseptic (usually it is of Chlorhexidine) and by means of small sizes slow puncture promote thin scriptures, which shoots the laser. Up to the issue of the home, skylight bottom wall of the tank under the effect of heat. Accordingly, the container is closed by a, and decreases in diameter. The hardening is similar to the procedure of sclerotherapy. But in the first case, the use of various substances as a function of the nature of the problem. Connect vienna the drug is introduced also with the aid of the needle and with the application of the local anesthetic. The control of the handling doctor performs under the supervision of the process on the screen of the monitor. The operation takes no more than 30-40 minutes.
Pickling involves a small incision or a puncture. It all depends on the magnitude of the defeat. Pickling involves a small incision or a puncture. It all depends on the magnitude of the defeat. The probe to be promoted to the pathological zone, welds, iup physician tightens the tool and withdraw from the affected area of the vessel to the surface of the skin. Modified the plot is deleted. If necessary, overlap the seams. The removal of varicose veins is performed only by a ben the teen experienced, under the control of the process ultrasonic device. The rehabilitation continued for 6 months. At this time, forbidden to lift things weighing more than 8 kg in the first month, you need to wear compression for the regulation of the functioning of the venous system and to prevent complications. As the healing view physiotherapy, swimming, walking and others, you Need to follow the mass of the body. Of the Possible post-operative complications: relapse, haematoma, thrombo-embolism, rubtsovie changes of the skin with small knots. The most common are considered to be the consequence of the pain, which may be present for 1-2 months.
The indications for the removal of veins

The quick intervention when the varicose veins cannot be registered for the indications to the removal of vessels:
- varicose veins change has hit a large part of vienna;
- a sharp pain and swelling in the legs physical, that prevent them from leading a normal life;
- the teaching open wounds and ulcers on the background of the development of the disease. Dangerous fitting a secondary infection;
- the violation of the viabilit of blood through the vessels, often accompanied by convulsions;
- expressed the development of the necrosis of the vessels;
- a modification of the vein, followed by their expansion and domed. The change is a dangerous bodily harm vases, as well as gives aesthetic discomfort;
- the formation of blood clots in veins.
During the carrying of the child can also be celebrated in the breach of the condition of the veins of the legs. The more the pathology is resolved itself after delivery. In the presence of contra-indications to the rapid response to dangerous deterioration of the status of the patient and even fatal. After the removal of the vein by surgery or laser, the method has a risk of development of complications. Side effects can occur, due to the low qualification of specialist or because of the breach of the rules in the period of rehabilitation. The possible complications of the, phlebectomy, and endovenous treatment of coagulation. The surgery to remove the leg veins when the varicose veins can cause certain effects. Sometimes, it manifests itself in the form of haematomas. During the implementation of the two operations may develop an allergic reaction to the anesthetic drugs. The surgery to remove the leg veins during the varicose veins is sometimes accompanied by the development of complications, to ensure that they require:
- tests of an allergic reaction to drugs;
- the exclusion of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body before the beginning of the operation;
- the choice of the proven clinical with specialists of high qualification and modern equipment;
- the respect of the rules during the period. In particular, the wearing of a compression machine;
- comply with the dietary foods in recovery (discussed with a specialist after the procedure). In the diet increases the amount of clean water, the reception of food is produced in small portions, the diet enriched in vitamins and minerals;
- give the rest of the foot during the working time;
- pass the inspection after the operation for monitoring the dynamics of the restoration of a member;
- perform massage and attend physio for a quick recovery of the blood circulation.

Upon detection of deviations that are not valid during this operation, you want to go to the clinic. The removal of varicose veins on the legs, you can move the surgical method is free of charge in public institutions. But these operations do not take place in each city, and the need to wait in long queues for several months. When choosing to undergo operations fee in private clinics the price range depends on the method, the qualification of specialist and general expenses in the hospital. During the execution of the forms of withdrawal of ships is carried out by an intervention. The method of treatment is determined not only by the desire of the patient, but the presence of indications and contra-indications to the procedure. The effectiveness of the therapy depends on the characterization of the doctor and of the implementation of the rules of foot care after the surgery.The cost advanced is added to the price for expert advice and service of ULTRASOUND control. Varicose veins lends to a conservative treatment in the phase of development of the pathology.
This disease is strongly rejuvenated in our time. It is because of a sedentary lifestyle (although the ongoing work on the feet can lead to an outbreak of the disease), the traffic only transportation, excess weight, of the ecological situation in the world, the generic predisposition to diseases of the blood, etc Early stage of varicose veins well lends itself to methods of conservative treatment. But if the disease has already gone far and continues to make progress, it is necessary to think about how to solve the problem of your health ,or someone close. It is true, made a ben the ado qualified for the delete operation of the vienna, it is the guarantee of complete healing of drawing scary under health coverage. Today, these operations are performed by highly-skilled experts in the health centres, audiovisual equipment, most modern, and does the research present no danger to the life and health of the patient.